Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 26- What you think about your friends

Day 26- What you think about your friends
 *I decided the easiest way for me to do this would be to work from the friends I've known the longest to shortest ... and not get too in-depth cuzzz (this would be a LONG blog) ALSO I'm going to use alias, even tho they"ll know who they are lol*

Small teeth- I LOVE THIS GIRL! Like we've been through some serious issues and our friendship has been tried SEVERAL times YET we are still friends.  We can go months w/ out talking on the phone BUT when we do... you'd never know it lol I'm sooooo proud of you and even tho you are only older than me (by 20 days) you have taught me SEVERAL things! I love you and I appreciate you for being my friend :)

Quazi - (LMBO @ the only nickname i could think of b/c i call you by your initials smh) yo, i LOVE you kiddo! You remind me so much of me, your strength, your resilience, your fight!  I appreciate you being my friend through the good & the bad, the rumors and the lies.... Thank You! continue to do what you're doing, and i KNOW you'll make it!

Sade (cuz ur middle name is my 1st name) - even tho we aren't BFFs anymore, i want you to know that i LOVE you! You were my BEST friend during some of the most critical years of my life :) We had ups and downs, fights in art class, arguments in algebra (over ur dandruff LMBO), but in the end, i chose to be your friend over the peer pressure 2 act a FOOL!  You made me want to lived a saved life, reminded me to count on God when NO ONE else was a around and i REALLY miss your presence in my life! I love u! I'm SOOOO proud of you!

Miss New Booty- (I am getting MUCH entertainment with these nicknames) anyways, I remember the time i met you in the bathroom and thought you were the NICEST person in the world (only to realize you're RUDE) lol i Love u! I am soooo proud to see you go from "miss private" to someone i can always depend on for unbiased advice!  You moved to another state and still came to visit me & even tho you wanted to KILL me when we were suite mates our friendship survived HJ North lol I'm soo proud of you Dr,PA,MPH, ;)

Sharee - I met you to that faithful day in the bathroom and i thought you were the MEANEST lol (only to find out you have the KINDEST heart ... EVER) I Love YOU! Who would have known that after meeting you in HJ North ... I'd have to talk to you EVERYDAY to figure out what to wear, how to text, when not to skip class, annnnnd which underwear i should put on (j/k).  You honestly are more like a mother to me and i APPRECIATE you loving me despite my bi-polarness smh.  I thank you for your NEVER moving faith in yourself and your dreams! Thank You for being my friend (golden girls)

cONcEntric- mannnnnnnnnnnn we have been through some thangs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i Love you b/c you ALWAYS give me a perspective that i NEVER expect.  I'm having a bad day and you tell me about sum1 who's house burnt down, has 3 kids and living out a suit case and all of a sudden..... my day doesn't seem THAT bad!  You were with me during some very difficult times (you even saved my life) and for that alone, i OWE you my life.  I appreciate you showing a GREAT example of an independent women!

L. - (i was tempted 2 put the whole thing BUTTTTT i don't want you 2 get mad) I met you over a Phase 10 game and 6 years later, you are the big sister that i never had!  We bump heads like non-other BUT i also love you like non-other!  I appreciate you teaching me about SURVIVING during adversity!  You bring out the fight in me ... to not only fight you BUT fight statistics, the pitfalls of the enemy, my inner demons and I LOVE YOU for EVERYTHING. 

Keep yo key 3 stacks- You saved my LIFE! I remember meeting you across the bathroom and was accused of stealing your pen lol and since i walked across that bathroom ... you NEVER left me alone -_- i'd walk in and you would be in MY room, in MY bed...chillen smh .... we've had our share of ups and downs ESP when you were @ mandatory dodge ball tournaments ... LMBO but on the real, i am soooo proud of you!  You didn't get a job straight out of school, so what did you do? get an internship and kept it moving and i LOVE your ability to pick up the pieces and continue.  We've cried together, laughed together and in the end you literally saved my life ... i LOVE YOU and I owe you my all!

Ram Village 3 - I LOVE YOU GUYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol ya'll were here for me at a time when i NEEDED it the most! My academic life was breaking down and i remember crying and crying and crying in Ram Village 3 ... i Appreciate  each 1 of you for loving me and taking out time in your busy schedules for my random emotional visits/sleepovers lol.  VD- you are a prayer WARRIOR and I thank you for sharing your testimony, you are AWESOME and i LOVE YOU. Cyst- LMBO i Love you soooo much! you know JUST what to say to break any awkward moment and that's a difficult task! Wolfdog - we thought u was CRAZZZZZZY lol BUT underneath that shell lied the most KIND person i've ever met! I LOVE YOU ... you've provided me soooo much encouragement and welcomed me into your family :)

Superior - Wow, I've known you the shortest ....and I still LOVE YOU! You've been there for me through some very difficult situations!!!!!  I don't remember how nor what day we became friends BUT what i Do know is I'm SOOO glad we did! I give you a hard time b/c you're like a 2nd little sister to me.  I want you to be the BEST at everything (lol even stepping) and you often remind me of myself.  Thank You for all the joy you've bought into my life in such a short time. I LOVE YOU (and the redz 0_o)

Couple Shout Outs b/c I def don't want to leave anybody out
T, Uppity, Deed, Kim, Toya, Chonya, Dez, Chaunacie (I love you ladies too and i think you all are educated, beautiful and will certainly achieve ALL our dreams .... Thank you for taking me in when i was a freshman ... i LOVE YOU ALL)

Special s/o to the men in my life that are the BEST male friends EVER.... I LOVE ALL ya'll soooo much and know that you will make GREAT husbands! Thank You for being my friend!!!!!!!!!: Corey, Julian, Chris, & Gary

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