Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 24 .. part 2: O' Father Where Art Thou....Dear Daddy

I kind of wish that i could write a blog about how my father divorced my mom when i was 3 and never returned.  How he knew where i lived and never visited.  How he knows my phone number but never calls.  I would LOVE to write a blog about my dad that wasn't there BUT Sadly .... I can't!!!! This note to my father can be as blank as an unwritten blog and the empty spaces in my heart b/c ... I DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS.

Dear Dad:

The first word i think of when i think of you is.... EMPTY.  My life has been so empty without you :( There's a quote that asks "it is better to have love and lost, or to never have loved?" and I ALWAYS respond with "better to have lost" because at least you have experienced LOVE.  Same thing goes for my you dad.... I would rather have experienced you, loved you, hated you, cried about you missing my bday party, been upset b/c you got remarried.... than for me to have NEVER known you!

I think the most sickening part about never knowing you is thinking everyone IS you!  Wondering if my Linguistics professor that had the same mannerisms as me was you?  Questioning if the gas station attendant with my nose, is you?  Every time a person tells me they know a girl that looks just like me ... i ask myself "is that my sister?".  Everyday I wake up and meet new people, I'm slightly paranoid b/c that guy i met at the club, could very well be my brother!  It wouldn't be so bad if i wasn't conceived in Durham BUT Durham .... Durham ... Durham is LESS than 15 minutes away from Chapel Hill ... so EVERY TIME I crossover 15-501, 54,55... the light skinned man in the car beside me ... could be YOU!

I love you Dad and the hardest part is i WANT to hate you.  I want to feel some emotion towards you and blame you BUT I CAN'T!!!!!! I can't fully blame my mom b/c clearly she was 21 and did the best she could and I feel guilty EVERY TIME i bring you up in a conversation with her b/c i think that she wanted to be "enough".... enough of a mother to where I'd never feel the void of a father ... enough of a friend that i never miss being a daddy's girl ... enough of everything so i don't miss you ... but SHE CAN'T!  I think it saddens she and I b/c she knows and i know ... she'll never be able to be you or replace the influence (good or bad) you would have had in my life.  The void of me not knowing who you are has cost me MANY sleepless nights, wet pillows, low self esteem, and worst of ALL has made me feel the same way to God as i feel toward you at times .... NOTHING!

Confession:  A lot of people ask me "Why am i still a virgin/why am i waiting til marriage" and they assume it's b/c of religious reasons ... but the reality of it all is: I AM SCARED!!!!!!! I'm scared I'll do exactly what my mom did and end up pregnant and my child grow up not knowing it's father..... so i say no 2 sex b/c that's the ONLY way for me NOT to end up continuing this cycle.

One day I'm going to find you Daddy!  Once I have money to pay for an investigator, DNA test and all that good stuff!  I promise I'll find you dad BUT you gotta promise me that when i do ... you hold me for all the times i wanted a hug from you, kiss me until all my trust in man has been restored, cry with me, celebrate who I am, NEVER make me feel like i "ruined" whatever family you have now, and lastly, LOVE ME...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Consecration 1/2 way mark

sooooooooo I never expected for Consecration to be "easy" b/c nothing about telling your natural urges is "easy" HOWEVER I expected to last a little longer :(

I did good up until Thurs .... I ate at a drive-thru, worked the door @ a club on Sat night and went to a different club on Sun. night and I feel AWFUL!!!!! I wasn't reading my Bible daily, only praying twice (instead of 3) times a week... I need to SADDLE UP so I don't miss my BLESSING!!!!

I just want to encourage every1 who is struggling w/ different aspects of the Consecration.  Stay Strong and even if you've messed up ... just take it one day at a time and give God your BEST! Don't give up !!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Consecration 2011

First of all, I am SOOOO excited about what God is going to do for EVERYONE during this consecration!!!! I have a prayer list and I am expected God to fulfil ALL the desires of my heart

Consecrate = to make or declare something sacred, to dedicate formally to a religious or Divine purpose.

Fasting = abstention from food, or some types of food, especially as an act of religious observance
Prayer = address to God: a spoken or unspoken address to God.

1) We should consecrate, fast and pray because Jesus did it.  Jesus went 40 days without food! (Matt 4:1-3)

p.s. Moses (Exodus 24:18 & 34:28), Elijah (1 Kings 19:8) also did 40 day fasts.

2) Jesus said that some "demons, ill/bad spirits can ONLY be removed via Fasting/Praying"  - Mark 9:17-29

So basically I'm fasting for the 1st 36 days days of the year (Jan.2 - Feb 6th) as a tithe to God saying, I'm turning down my plate, bad behaviors, etc as a sacrifice knowing that the other 335 days will be BLESSED!

Things to fast from: sexual activity, porn, smoking, alcohol, fast food, secular music, meat, cursing, lying, caffeine, coffee, sodas, sweets, twitter, facebook, and pretty much anything that you are addicted too!

-I'm not saying fast from all these things BUT let's say you are an addict of porn ... fast from it for 36 days and pray/believe that that addiction leaves you and it will!  So not everybody is fasting from the same things ... I tailored my fast to help me overcome my addictions:

Sade's Consecration:
1)Fast Food (I won't eat anywhere that has a drive thru)
2) Soda (only drinking water and juice)
3) secular music (only listening to gospel)
4) sexual activity, lying, cursing, smoking are all a given for me!

1) Praying 3 times a day
2) Reading my Bible at least once, daily
3) work-out at least once a week

*** So I'm denying myself of the No's and filling myself spiritually with the Yes's and then placing a prayer request list before God to come in and move on my situations during the consecration***

Prayer Request:
1) graduation : issuing me with all the strengthen i need to complete my mission @ UNC-Ch

2) Becoming a better person: Forgiveness, no Lying, no deceit, not being selfish, sharing more, complimenting people more, judging people less, picking on people just because

3) God shows me what's my next move after i graduate, what state/city i should move too

4) God shows me what ministry to join at WOCC (I've been going there for 4 years and still haven't used my talents for the church and i want to be lead as to which area of ministry i should join)

5) speaking in tongues (I've been wanting to do this since i was 15 ... it's a language that the enemy cannot decipher... it's like a special language between me & God)

6) God helping my mother during her divorce and restoring the mental health of my mom, brother, and sister post the divorce!

7) God just blessing my family members!

*** so as stated, I'll be praying 3 times a day of these things but feel free to post your prayer request as a comment and I'll add that to my list of things to pray for for you!***