Monday, May 23, 2011

Why Aren't You Following Me?

You log on Twitter and you're likely to see "Why aren't you following me?"
Everybody wants you to be #teamFollowBack 
B/c they find it disrespectful if they follow you and you don't follow them back
B/c when you follow someone you can READ their thoughts, feelings, fav lyrics, know where they are, etc ... following them gives you INSIGHT into their life
you not following them is equivalent to saying "I don't know (don't want to know) who you are" soooo WHY would I follow you back?

I asked all those questions to ask ... Who do you "claim" to follow in real life? Jesus?

I was on youtube because "The shepherd song" (listen to the song below if you don't know it) came in my spirit and I found 3 adults singing it and A LOT of youth choir's singing it and I was PERPLEXED b/c yes it's TRADITIONAL for the young ones to sing this song however the LYRICS are more applicable to the GROWN folks....

You say that He's the master of you're fate, captain of your soul BUT do you ACTUALLY follow Him?
Does He actually come first in your life?

The 2nd verse lyrics says:
 "I told my sheep to love one another,
even your enemies too;
but you have love for only those
who have that love for you.
And you say I am your shepherd;
why aren't you following me?"

When I heard it I immediately was convicted.  So I asked myself am I REALLY following Jesus?
Do I read His Timeline for my life hourly (Bible)? No
Do I listen to His fav songs on repeat (Gospel)? No
Do I come eat to His FAV restaurant as much as possible (Church)?No

He probably finds that VERY disrespectful ... He sends His angels DAILY out to follow me and monitor my every move and protect me ... and ALL He wants is for me to join #TeamFollowBack ....

Trust me when I tell you that I'm preaching to myself and I hope this causes my readers to take introspection as well ... 

If we say that He is our Shepherd.... Why aren't we following Him?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"I ain't too proud to beg"

Soooo I'm going to tell ya'll what's going on in HOPES that me talking thru a positive method like blogging will help me hold on to what little sanity I have left!  I've been trying to handle this UNC business on my own strength BUT i'm at my whits END...

I owed UNC $1300 and I paid it down to $280

I federally defaulted on a loan (b/c the paper was being mailed to the wrong address) so I owe $1,880 on that in order to be able to go to school in the USA (b/c it's a Federal matter)

I have to pay for my own credit hours (b/c I'm not meeting the GPA requirements ... b/c they are taking into account my WHOLE tenure at UNC-Ch .... I've been here 6.5 years -_-) which are $200 per credit hour in the summer (cc: ) so a full 2nd session = $1200 

... *I'm not even gonna get into the cost of the fall*

So all that adds up to = $3360 ... anybody have Oprah on speed-dial so she can sponsor my education for a summer/year?

I've applied to several scholarships at
( )

I applied to the Student Emergency Fund at UNC (and they denied me 0_o ) ... which to me is kind of a slap in the face since I've raised over $90,000 for this GREAT university .... but who am I ?

I applied to private loans BUT my credit + lack of a full-time/salary job has ended in DENIAL

What's the point of this blog?
a) to vent my frustration 
b) So you can tell your rich/wealthy/royal/ friends and family!!!!!!!!!! 
(it's a shot in the dark BUT i rather tell the world and NO ONE respond than to tell NO ONE and this stress eat me alive)

Why do I think I'm a good investment?
1) I already have a SALARY job lined up for post-graduation soooo i can def  pay it back after a year +
2) I'm on 30 hours away from graduation aka 2 semesters (i'm SOOOOO close BUT YET sooo FAR)
3) There's NOTHING that I want more ... I BLEED Carolina blue, I've been a Tarheel from BIRTH (see pics below)
4) I'm a REALLY hard worker I'm getting at least 30 hours a week at my job and I have no problem picking up a side hustle (like babysitting) while working towards my degree. 

Soooo if you have ANY ideas/avenues/people/foundations/scholarships/grant people you think I NEED to contact to get some help OR if you know someone (who's looking for a tax write off) and they just need my paperwork etc,  i can get you ANYTHING you need ... PLEASE comment, e-mail me (, call me, text me, smoke signal me ... i'm down for ALL legal options b/c this degree will mean SOOOO much for me and my future!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Eyes Upon the DISTANT shore...

This last Sunday I visited my cousin in Greensboro and when in Greensboro, i make it my duty to go visit/hear Apostle/Prophet/Dr/Pastor/Kevin Williams :) One thing I can say about this man of God is that he ALWAYS has a word that is IN SEASON for my life. So I'm just going to share with ya'll a couple things he said/preached that were applicable to my life in hopes that something will bless you too :)

He began by talking about vision.
Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
Dr. Williams said "A life that DOES NOT have VISION, becomes RECKLESS and UNSUCCESSFUL"
A vision is designed to keep you (me) in a boundary; to keep you (me) in check!

What does this mean for me? 
I often used to say I'm going to have a "Reckless summer", "Reckless night", "Reckless party" and i often LIKE to participate in "Reckless activities".  As soon as this sentence left Dr.Williams mouth... i was CONVICTED.  <<<< THIS might explain why i've done sooooo poorly in some classes at UNC; I didn't follow the vision (syllabus)  i came/went to class when i felt like it (Reckless) and then got a D when I needed a C (Unsuccess...FUL)!

See, I've been crying all weekend wondering WHY i am still in undergrad when so many of my peers have moved on, graduated, working on masters, doctorates etc and i'm STILL in Israel (college)??????

Prophet Kevin Williams also stated "You can't HOPE into success, you have to PLAN"

So here's my plan:

1) I'm putting up motivational quotes ALL over my room, my bed, AND my ceiling so that i don't get distracted by tv, twitter, facebook etc... the FIRST thing i'll see in the morning is a reminder of my goal!

2) Realizing my weaknesses: (I was once told by Darla (my big sis) that "Sade you talk a good game BUT your follow-through is the problem") ... she was RIGHT lol

 a) Procrastination: although I do work better under pressure, this isn't proper planning so i'll be trying my HARDEST to complete assignments BEFORE the last minute!

 b) Sense of Entitlement: I feel like people (professors) OWE me something!  I feel like i'm entitled to a study guide for every test, a warning before a quiz, a reminder about papers/test/etc BUT in reality i'm NOT entitled to anything more than what they give me!

c) Actually studying: I'm cocky and i think i know EVERYTHING ... so WHY study if I already know the information? ughhhh b/c I really don't? (nah that thought never dawns on me until the last minute) So this go around, i'm going to DO BETTER! I'll be setting aside "study time" and actually mute my phone and study!

3) Taking honest introspection and swallowing my pride and asking for HELP if i am failing in one of these areas.

I don't know how long it will take BUT as i've been doing, I will weather this (UNC) Storm BUT what I do know is:

I know He'll lead me safely to that blessed place He has prepared
But if the storm don't cease and if the winds keep on blowing in my life
My soul has been anchored in the Lord.