Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 24 ... A grandma's love - Part 4

Day 24: Write a letter to your parent's
****This blog made me dig WAAAAAAY within to figure out exactly what i wanted to say and how***** 
I decided to break this blog down into 4 parts to each of my 4 'parents': my mom, my grandma, my biological father, my step father.

Dear Grandma
"Gloria, My Gloria, I don't want to see, Another day, without your Love" - Enchantment

I came to the realization the other day that you have to live FOREVER!!!!!! My grandma is my rock, she taught me how to read and to write, tie my shoes, how to spell, she taught me my 1st sentence (my first words were g-o, t-o, b-e-d) I think i owe her slightly for realizing how intelligent i was at such a young age :)

I am SOOOO proud of my grandma, she graduated from Fayettville State when she like 54 with a degree (and lived ON CAMPUS) and I'm still trying to figure out HOW lol Like why is school soooo "hard" for me but she took 21 credit hours her senior year and complete her degree program successfully smh

She's patient, tender hearted and believes deep down that people are good and look out for the best interest of other people ( I don't posses ANY of these attributes smh)

Thank You Grandma for ALL the things you've added to my life and lessons (good and bad) that you've taught me!

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