Friday, February 4, 2011

Clarification of Letter to my Step Dad

I'm not one to rewrite or disspell what people "think" about what i have to say about either of my parents BUTTTTTTT b/c I truly am concerned that when people read my words that they understand my HEART sooo i am going to clarify somethings:


A- I am NOT upset that my parents are divorcing!  I think some people FAIL at marriage and this was the case, i think BOTH my MOTHER and my STEPFATHER are both EQUALLY responsible for a FAILED marriage!  My blog was NOT meant to make it seem like ONLY HE was to blame.  I lived with BOTH of them for 14 years and they provided a PERFECT example of the marriage I DO NOT WANT TO EVER HAVE!!!!!!
B- Clarification: I'm not upset with him for divorcing my mom, I'm upset with him for leaving the house in foreclosure KNOWING my mom doesn't have a job!

A- A lot of people see my step dad as a mild tempered man BUT b/c I've lived with him for 14 years, I've seen him on some very ill tempered days! Now my mom is a handful and personally i applaud the man for living with her for 14 years, she is NOT mild tempered and certainly speaks her mind (that is where i get it from).
B- People say i never got my step dads side of the story HOWEVER i actually never got my mother's side of the story either ..... I GOT THE EYE WITNESS SIDE OF THE STORY who SAW him hit her soooooooo i do not "need" either of their sides of this story b/c there was an EYE witness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

3) mom never met you:
a- yes b/c she's met you, i now have a little brother and sister ... GREAT
b- If the PRICE of her knowing you meant = them coming into the world, me and my siblings having to witness a marriage fail, THEM having to go through this divorce WITH y'all .... then like i said ... I wish she never met him!  

**side comments*** 
A lot of people KNOW that i don't "care" for my step dad and i think when they read the blog they took it as me "slandering" his name .... I have NO REASON to lie .... this is FACTUAL information! This is MY account, NOT my moms, my brother, my grandmas .... MINE....

1) if my roommate writes and blog and says Sade is the MOST disgusting roommate EVER .... my best friend can't say to her; "oh, you don't know what you're talking about, etc b/c Sade's my best friend" .... why??? b/c my best friend DOES NOT LIVE WITH ME so she can't get a 100% account of how disgusting I am.... correct?

*** News Flash: I LIVED with him for 14 YEARS .... don't tell me that i don't "know" this man b/c he is your son, brother, dad, cousin, best friend, etc ..... YOU DID NOT LIVE WITH US and thereby you have NO IDEA what ACTUALLY went on in the confines of MY house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***

2)  My mom: my mom is  VERRRRRRRRRRY difficult person to deal with ... IN FACT she and I bumped heads MORE than he and I did! There were SEVERAL times he had to diffuse arguments between my mom and I .... but guess what??? I didn't commit to marriage vows with my mom, now did I? I'm not married to Wanda, she my mom and i have NEVER painted her to be innocent b/c she is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) Contrary to popular belief, i DO NOT hate him!  I have forgiven him and MOVED ON .... I'm a grown woman, paying my own bills, i do NOT live in their house anymore soooo i have NO motivation to "slander" is name .... if I hated him ... would I really have given all that background about why/when i Loved him? ..... Didn't think so!

4) my blog: When i first started this blog i said:

this blog is my space to express my unique thoughts, expressions, characteristics and opinions in a distinctive way, a way in which should signify to you the reader (listener) to pause and listen to my heart's cadence.
Now, a couple housekeeping rules:
1) I'm human! I'm Sade and NO I'm not always RIGHT! if you're looking for/expecting perfection ... look somewhere else!
2) NO JUDGING! The Bible makes it pretty clear; judge not, lest ye be judged!
3) this is MY life.... if you're in/have been/going to be in MY LIFE ... then expect to see your name AND/OR alias used ;) If you have a problem w/ it ... STOP READING in 5....4....3.... NOW!
3) let's just have fun! this is a learning experience for me and for you so put on your seat belts ... let's go!

and ..... these "rules" still stand #thatisall

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