Friday, July 1, 2011

New news

I know ya'll nosey so ima keep it simple:

So let me start by saying THANK YOU LORD! secondly, Me

Well today I am proud to say I am leaving, I will be moving to Cedar Rapids, Iowa 

by July 25th.  


I made a blog about a week ago about "Fast, Pray, Leave" Where I vaguely mentioned leaving...... The Lord had spoken to me while I was fasting/praying about getting into summer school that I would be ALONE for a season.  I took this to mean, spending more time at home alone, not hanging out w/ my friends as much, etc....... Shortly after, I had a convo w/ Tamekia where she told me "sometimes you have to go away for awhile THEN come back and finish your goal" and that statement IMMEDIATELY clicked in my spirit.  I applied for a position that was a promotion of my current position as a Supervisor to be a Senior Supervisor.  However, I knew If I got the job i'd have to relocate to Iowa.... Well, I was offered the position today and I accepted :) Cedar Rapids here I come :)

Full Circle:
I applied to be a Senior Supervisor in Iowa & while I was interviewed for the position they let me know that I would only be a supervisor for a little while THEN move on to graduate services where I'll be traveling setting up call centers <<<<<<< THAT is what I wanted to do AFTER I got my degree from UNC .... they are hiring me for that job WITHOUT me having my degree yet .... JESUS..... So though I don't have my degree YET, I'm still qualified for the job

I said all that to say, YES I plan on finishing my degree at UNC-CH. THANK YOU to EVERY person that SUPPORTED me, PRAYED for me, BELIEVED in me, and even CRITICIZED me....

So let this serve as encouragement.... TRUST the Lord, pursue your DREAM!

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