Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
November goals
1) Not be depressed on/for/about my birthday
--- I feel like I am going to #FAIL this goal SMH BUT honestly HOW does one "celebrate" their birthday when the person that they've shared their b-day w/ ... their WHOLE life ... isn't living? Every year i pep myself up and try to think it"ll be easier to rejoice BUT in reality .... I just wish my cousin was around for my 23rd and her 28th :( *** we were younger we'd call at 12am and argue about who's going to sing who happy bday 1st and we always just sung over each other lol *** anyway, i think I'll be going to visit @ the cemetery and singing happy birthday ..... (ugh second time crying today :( .... which leads me to goal #2)
2) not being so emotional
---- here lately i've been crying for NO reason .... NOT A GOOD LOOK ... gotta get these emotions UNDER CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!
3) Getting j.cole to tweet me happy birthday ...
----like i'm sooooo serious ... i LOVE him as an artist (i'll blog about him soon) and i would REALLY appreciate him just saying "happy birthday @smooth0perat0r" ... that's it ... 3 words lol I plan on tweeting him everyday until then so he doesn't forget :)
4) getting a Droid
---- I REALLY want the Blackberry Torch BUTTTT Sprint doesn't have anything equivalent :( sooo looks like I gotta join the Droid team ... with 4 G :)
5) letting people know i LOVE them
---- The people that i LOVE, i'll tell them I Love Them! The people I appreciate, I'll tell them Thank You... etc because how will any1 ever know how much they mean to me unless i tell them????
Yay Team Droid!!!