Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Consecration 2011

First of all, I am SOOOO excited about what God is going to do for EVERYONE during this consecration!!!! I have a prayer list and I am expected God to fulfil ALL the desires of my heart

Consecrate = to make or declare something sacred, to dedicate formally to a religious or Divine purpose.

Fasting = abstention from food, or some types of food, especially as an act of religious observance
Prayer = address to God: a spoken or unspoken address to God.

1) We should consecrate, fast and pray because Jesus did it.  Jesus went 40 days without food! (Matt 4:1-3)

p.s. Moses (Exodus 24:18 & 34:28), Elijah (1 Kings 19:8) also did 40 day fasts.

2) Jesus said that some "demons, ill/bad spirits can ONLY be removed via Fasting/Praying"  - Mark 9:17-29

So basically I'm fasting for the 1st 36 days days of the year (Jan.2 - Feb 6th) as a tithe to God saying, I'm turning down my plate, bad behaviors, etc as a sacrifice knowing that the other 335 days will be BLESSED!

Things to fast from: sexual activity, porn, smoking, alcohol, fast food, secular music, meat, cursing, lying, caffeine, coffee, sodas, sweets, twitter, facebook, and pretty much anything that you are addicted too!

-I'm not saying fast from all these things BUT let's say you are an addict of porn ... fast from it for 36 days and pray/believe that that addiction leaves you and it will!  So not everybody is fasting from the same things ... I tailored my fast to help me overcome my addictions:

Sade's Consecration:
1)Fast Food (I won't eat anywhere that has a drive thru)
2) Soda (only drinking water and juice)
3) secular music (only listening to gospel)
4) sexual activity, lying, cursing, smoking are all a given for me!

1) Praying 3 times a day
2) Reading my Bible at least once, daily
3) work-out at least once a week

*** So I'm denying myself of the No's and filling myself spiritually with the Yes's and then placing a prayer request list before God to come in and move on my situations during the consecration***

Prayer Request:
1) graduation : issuing me with all the strengthen i need to complete my mission @ UNC-Ch

2) Becoming a better person: Forgiveness, no Lying, no deceit, not being selfish, sharing more, complimenting people more, judging people less, picking on people just because

3) God shows me what's my next move after i graduate, what state/city i should move too

4) God shows me what ministry to join at WOCC (I've been going there for 4 years and still haven't used my talents for the church and i want to be lead as to which area of ministry i should join)

5) speaking in tongues (I've been wanting to do this since i was 15 ... it's a language that the enemy cannot decipher... it's like a special language between me & God)

6) God helping my mother during her divorce and restoring the mental health of my mom, brother, and sister post the divorce!

7) God just blessing my family members!

*** so as stated, I'll be praying 3 times a day of these things but feel free to post your prayer request as a comment and I'll add that to my list of things to pray for for you!***