Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Consecration 1/2 way mark

sooooooooo I never expected for Consecration to be "easy" b/c nothing about telling your natural urges is "easy" HOWEVER I expected to last a little longer :(

I did good up until Thurs .... I ate at a drive-thru, worked the door @ a club on Sat night and went to a different club on Sun. night and I feel AWFUL!!!!! I wasn't reading my Bible daily, only praying twice (instead of 3) times a week... I need to SADDLE UP so I don't miss my BLESSING!!!!

I just want to encourage every1 who is struggling w/ different aspects of the Consecration.  Stay Strong and even if you've messed up ... just take it one day at a time and give God your BEST! Don't give up !!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I really love your transparency! Just keep working at it. If you want to continue your fast, repent to God and pick up where you left off. Your flesh does NOT want you to control it, thats why those desires and temptations are in your mind even the more.

    I just wanted to write you and encourage you to not give up and give God your best :) (since you encouraging everyone else) :) :)

    Keep it up sis and I know that these temptations will soon flee from you the longer you stay committed to denying your flesh and the things of this world, the more God is going to remove those thorns from your flesh.

    Matthew 4-- I constantly remind myself of this passage when It gets tough for me on fasts. I thank God for the victory over the enemy!

    Love you!!

  2. Monique, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!! I appreciate the encouragement :) I'm really trying to give Him be BEST and i'm def going to PUSH to the end of this :) Love u 2 !!!
