You log on Twitter and you're likely to see "Why aren't you following me?"
Everybody wants you to be #teamFollowBack
B/c they find it disrespectful if they follow you and you don't follow them back
Why?B/c when you follow someone you can READ their thoughts, feelings, fav lyrics, know where they are, etc ... following them gives you INSIGHT into their life
you not following them is equivalent to saying "I don't know (don't want to know) who you are" soooo WHY would I follow you back?
I asked all those questions to ask ... Who do you "claim" to follow in real life? Jesus?
You say that He's the master of you're fate, captain of your soul BUT do you ACTUALLY follow Him?
Does He actually come first in your life?
The 2nd verse lyrics says:
"I told my sheep to love one another,
even your enemies too;
but you have love for only those
who have that love for you.
And you say I am your shepherd;
why aren't you following me?"
even your enemies too;
but you have love for only those
who have that love for you.
And you say I am your shepherd;
why aren't you following me?"
When I heard it I immediately was convicted. So I asked myself am I REALLY following Jesus?
Do I read His Timeline for my life hourly (Bible)? No
Do I listen to His fav songs on repeat (Gospel)? No
Do I come eat to His FAV restaurant as much as possible (Church)?No
He probably finds that VERY disrespectful ... He sends His angels DAILY out to follow me and monitor my every move and protect me ... and ALL He wants is for me to join #TeamFollowBack ....
Trust me when I tell you that I'm preaching to myself and I hope this causes my readers to take introspection as well ...
If we say that He is our Shepherd.... Why aren't we following Him?