I never did my blog expressing my political beliefs about abortion, gay marriage, etc. I didn't do it for 2 reasons:
1) I'm farrrr more conservative than I think people think. I don't care that people often disagree with my opinions because I have a very "old school, conservative, churchy" <<< [whatever you choose to call it] views as it relates to politics.
2) I don't feel like auguring about my beliefs .... You have yours, I have mine, I have no heaven nor hell to put you in so "do you"
What I will say is I did a post about Amendment One today and I thought it was worth repeating and giving a little insight into my political views.
Amendment One:
I HATE when politicians add "fluff" to amendments that can skew the results. If we (as a state) want to vote on JUST gay marriage then tailor the amendment to cover JUST gay marriage. By adding things like domestic violence, child health care, etc it confuses immature voters (on purpose).
a) Domestic Violence- If the bill doesn’t pass, you can STILL be arrested for assault/battery if you abuse another man/woman no matter if you are in a partnership, relationship, marriage; you don't need the title of Domestic Violence. That's like saying ONLY homeowners in NC can be burglarized.... burglary isn't limited to just homeowners, as abuse (assault/battery) isn't limited to Married couples.
b) Health Care- How many years have people been having babies out of wedlock??? Oh ok. & you think this ONE amendment is ONLY going to provide health care for ONLY babies conceived between the married people (a man/woman) ... nah TRY AGAIN!
I'm not sharing my personal feelings on the amendment but I will say: politically I tend to "vote conservative, live liberal!”
I read this on facebook, "Hey don't get me wrong, look I agree we should give women rights; that goes for the unborn women too, give me life"- I AGREED 100%. I'm about women having rights BUT I also believe women have the right to KEEP THEIR LEGS CLOSED!!!!
I think there are TWO circumstances women should be allowed an option to abort:
a) Rape- rape isn't a CHOICE. So if you do get pregnant and it was against your will then I do believe you should have that option.
b) If the mother's life is in danger- There have been cases where bearing a child could result in the death of the mother and in that case I think a woman should have a choice.
Outside of these 2 circumstances ... I don't wanna hear "Oh she's not in position of take care of a child, she's too young, she has too many babies already, etc" ummm simple solution. > STOP.HAVING.SEX. This is what blows me most about this generation we want ALL the perks of sex but NONE of the responsibility!
Anyway, as I stated on facebook earlier, what's MOST important for the youth is to EDUCATE YOURSELF, weight it against your values, morals and heart & don't just vote one way b/c that's what you're friends/family say.... figure it out [read] for yourself and VOTE!
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