So as the title suggest, I wasn't sure how to put this in a text so i'm just gonna blog from my heart.
Have you ever met someone and they just leave you with a lasting impression? You can't describe what it is about them... they just captivate you?
[As a very flirtatious person] it's hard to tell if the person is flirting w/ you back OR if it's just onesided... Whether they are just flirtatious themselves BUT you're convinced you felt something so you step outside your comfort zone and persue them ... only to find out .... they weren't into you like you were into them ....
it's weird really b/c i've NEVER been ""rejected" before until today BUT if I had to be rejected by anybody, it would be you!
Didn't know how to text this so there it is....
To, My Heart
Sincerely, Rejection