Monday, April 18, 2011

CHASE Your Dreams!

First of all, i want to kick this blog off saying CONGRATULATIONS to Dee Dee and Moneika, they are the NEWEST members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. I Love you both dearly! Thank You for being my friends :)

I tweeted last week: "A dream DEFERRED is NOT a dream DENIED.... your time will come!" and that statement applies to MANY areas in my life!  I have LOTS of dreams but the 1 I'm going to choose to focus on is GRADUATION!  EVERY year I've been in school there are SEVERAL obstacles that seem to prevent me from graduating! (and right now, I'm facing another .... MONEY smh) YET, instead of giving up on that dream, i fight! I fight EVERYBODY who thinks I'll never get out, i fight MYSELF for not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! God has something SPECIAL for me and i KNOW IT, I just have to make it through this season! I have to Persevere....

Speaking of persevere:
Persevere means to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly!
Moneika's line name is "Perseverer" and I honestly can't think of a better name for her! It's not my place to tell you her life story BUT I will share this:
It seemed as though she'd never wear a white coat ..... she has 1 now
It seemed as though she'd never wear Crimson & Creme .... she has it on now :)

One of the foundations of our friendship is: "The Struggle"

 "The Struggle" is KNOWING you have GREATNESS inside of you so you make a plan to achieve GREATNESS and NOTHING in that plan goes as planned! BUTTTTTTTTT Despite what it looks like you MUST  KEEP TRYING! You try a different venue, a different person, a different school, a different class, a different professor, UNTIL  you dreams come true!!!!

So, Thank You Mo for remaining persistent, thank you for letting me see your dreams come true :) I applaud your zeal and fervor in chasing your dreams .... I LOVE YOU!

So I'm writing this blog to encourage you all and myself....
if you have a dream, CHASE that dream- 
When you get tired, CHASE that dream- 
When people doubt you, CHASE that dream!- 
When you doubt yourself, CHASE the dream

A dream Deferred is NOT a dream DENIED ....... CHASE YOUR DREAM


Monday, April 11, 2011

I didn't know how to text this ...

So as the title suggest, I wasn't sure how to put this in a text so i'm just gonna blog from my heart.

Have you ever met someone and they just leave you with a lasting impression? You can't describe what it is about them... they just captivate you? 

[As a very flirtatious person] it's hard to tell if the person is flirting w/ you back OR if it's just onesided... Whether they are just flirtatious themselves BUT you're convinced you felt something so you step outside your comfort zone and persue them ... only to find out .... they weren't into you like you were into them .... 

it's weird really b/c i've NEVER been ""rejected" before until today BUT if I had to be rejected by anybody, it would be you!

Didn't know how to text this so there it is....

To, My Heart
Sincerely, Rejection