Monday, September 3, 2012

Home-Sick - Updates

Hello All,

I know it has been awhile so I just wanted to stop & give ya'll some updates:

1) I'm still 15 lbs down lol I'm sad/proud of this at the same time lol proud because I ate EVERYWHERE Bahama Breeze, Dames, McDonalds, Briggs, etc that last weeks I was in NC and now I'm back here I've been eating out A LOT too smh but I've still been able to maintain the 15 loss :)  I'm sad thou b/c I need at least 30 more lbs gone by the time Homecoming rolls around soooo I have A LOT of work to do...

2) Speaking of work- YES I'm back in the midwest ;) I'm excited b/c I have trips to Mall of America, Nebraska, Indiana, St. Louis, and downtown Chicago planned!  Again, I am so thankful for this opportunity to get to see the U.S. for longer than a week vacation but 14 weeks of travel!  I do still get homesick tho

3) Speaking of Homesick- I miss ya'll!  I was home for 3 months sooooo i def miss my friends/family but most of all- I miss people cooking for me :)

Lemme get out what I feel tho:

Common Cold

I think I'm getting over you
the common cold
you showed up
I have a fever
my vision got blurry
my throat got tingly
nose was stopped up
I had to FIGHT to breathe
I found out I wasn't immune
Everything in my life was uncommon
til I met you
felt like the flu
you blew
I sneezed
Bless you or me?
To breathe again
Distance was the NyQuil
Cleared the (s)not right on up
Now I can see clearly
Temperature is back down
only chloraseptic residue in my throat
it's still numb
as if you were here....
I think I'm getting over you
maybe not?