Disclaimer: If you have kids between the ages of 10-17 and you DO NOT check their facebook page [ and have their facebook/phone/twitter password] - REGULARLY .... STOP READING NOW!!!!!!!!!
I just have a few questions:
1) Where are the parents?
2) When did they stop parenting?
3) Why did they stop parenting?
Here I am minding my own business, avoiding productivity and looking at facebook when I read MY little sister (who's 13) status that includes the word "a$$". You see how I bleeped that out? Yea.... she didn't! Confusion overcame me....
I used to curse like a sailor when I was 12-14 because I thought I was grown, I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted and WHO was going to tell me different???? WANDA! I cursed when I WASN'T around my mother or any other adult for that matter. I don't curse now but if I did I still wouldn't curse around my mom/grandma/adults because I was taught that is DISRESPECTFUL. I can type "a$$" in my blog b/c I'm a proving a point but I couldn't even do that at 13 without getting slapped. So that makes me ask a few more questions.
4) We have the same mom ........ but different standards/values?
5) We have the same mom ..........but different calibers/definitions of respect?
Listen, I've read that parents do their best parenting with the eldest child but MY LORD what are ya'll doing with the other kids? My sister and cousins get away w/ eye rolls, neck rolls, slamming doors, temper tantrums that I literally FEARED FOR MY LIFE to test the waters with. Instead these new kids out here defending their disrespect saying it's "free speech", an unalienable right <<<< too smart for their own good!
This blog may seem a little harsh but I honestly feel disrespected when I get on facebook and see my siblings and little cousins posting pics w/ their "abs" out, sexual innuendos in status', curse words, vulgar slang, etc. What I want to do is call them and check them BUT I know how to stay in my lane soooo this blog is a warning just to bring it to the parent's attention ...
I see it, other family members see it, it's a bad reflection and I say shut down their facebook, their twitter and take away the smart phones until the learn how to RESPECT their elders and themselves!