Sunday, December 11, 2011


I know 1/2 of y'all don't care, but for those that do:

I'm happy!

I'm happy because I have some peace in my life.  My sister once told me that peace is precious!  The older I get, the more I understand!  I really value having peace of mind/spirit/soul/etc  I have learned to dislike living in chaos ESPECIALLY chaos that I've created for myself.  Every area of my life is not sorted out BUT I am at peace with where things are.  I have some serious inner demons that I'm fighting through BUT I am at peace because I know that God loves and cares about me regardless!

I'm  happy because I get to go home.  They say home is where the heart is, they ain't NEVA lied lol
I've missed EVERYONE, I've been out here in the Arctic BY MYSELF for 7 months & I CANNOT wait to come home :)

That's pretty much it, I'm happy and I know *claps my hands*